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Showing all 2 results


    Oranges are a favorite as a snack, but they can also be added to salads, fruit bowls and as part of stir-fries.

    $2.50 per lb

    Oranges are a favorite as a snack, but they can also be added to salads, fruit bowls and as part of stir-fries.

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    Where would we be without lemons? They garnish our drinks and liven up our food. Delicious paired with garlic and an essential ingredient in seafood dishes. Lemons are high in vitamin C and fiber, and a good source of both folate and potassium.


    $0.95 ea

    Where would we be without lemons? They garnish our drinks and liven up our food. Delicious paired with garlic and an essential ingredient in seafood dishes. Lemons are high in vitamin C and fiber, and a good source of both folate and potassium.


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